Regenerative Livestock

This set of infographics was made for the Coalition for Sustainable Production (Coalición por una Produccion Sostenible)”& Alliance for Regenerative Ranching in the Peruvian Amazon (AGRAP), which includes members such as Climate Group, Earth Innovation Institute, WWF,  Earth Innovation Institute, TFA, Conservation International, Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation in Peru (Ministerio de Agricultura y Riego en Perú), RENEWWEST, MTG, Manú Refrigerator (Frigorífico Manú), MAFROZ, and ZEDINA.

The project showcased in the infographics is about policy field implementation to introduce silvopastoral practices led by cattle ranching families to combat increased deforestation in the Peruvian Amazon.

Amazonian-Flavored Beef

This third infographic was created to be displayed at an event to demonstrate the high meat quality. The graphic features a grilled piece of beef in the lower left corner, with additional information surrounding the main image.

What's Behind your Plate of Amazonian Beef?

This second infographic beautifully illustrates the project in action, showcasing the entire production process to the supply chain process, all the way to sustainable promotion and distribution, with a special focus on the ideal production process.

From Public Policy to Field Implementation

This first infographic showcases the project’s scope, including current livestock practices that lead to deforestation in the Amazon. It then follows up on the project’s benefits in regenerative livestock.

In collaboration with:

Picture of Estefania Villavicencio
Estefania Villavicencio

Renewable Energy & Climate Change

Picture of Zyanya Castillo Murguía
Zyanya Castillo Murguía

Founder, manager and photography
