This webpage showcases a sample of my work to the House of Commons. The content of this file was chosen following the job requirements. Each image has a URL to view the graphic or representation in full.
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The annual Report aims to showcase Student Energy’s growth through 2023 and the value of the team’s work. We strive to ensure that our Report properly showcases the positive impact of our efforts and the effective use of our investment. We’ll highlight the fantastic achievements of our program participants and emphasise the strong connections we’ve established with our audience. My level of responsibility involved project management, editorial design, and visual communication.
Process of the project to achieve the result:
The project brief required three types of marketing materials.
This set of infographics was made for the Coalition for Sustainable Production (Coalición por una Produccion Sostenible)”& Alliance for Regenerative Ranching in the Peruvian Amazon (AGRAP), which includes members such as Climate Group, Earth Innovation Institute, WWF, Earth Innovation Institute, TFA, Conservation International, Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation in Peru (Ministerio de Agricultura y Riego en Perú), RENEWWEST, MTG, Manú Refrigerator (Frigorífico Manú), MAFROZ, and ZEDINA.
This first infographic showcases the project’s scope, including current livestock practices that lead to deforestation in the Amazon. It then follows up on the project’s benefits in regenerative livestock.From Public Policy to Field Implementation
This second infographic beautifully illustrates the project in action, showcasing the entire production process to the supply chain process, all the way to sustainable promotion and distribution, with a special focus on the ideal production process.
This third infographic was created to be displayed at an event to demonstrate the high meat quality. The graphic features a grilled piece of beef in the lower left corner, with additional information surrounding the main image.
I am delighted to have collaborated with the only producer of halloumi-style cheese in Mexico. This vegan cheese is made from plant-based ingredients. As someone always excited about new ideas, I was immediately sold on this project when I heard about it. This Mediterranean-style cheese is perfect for grilling, and I invite you to follow their Instagram page to learn more about the product.
The concept Idea is based on how halloumi cheese is traditionally distributed in Cyprus and the texture and form of the cheese itself, with a touch of leaves mirroring the flag of the Republic of Cyprus.
I created a graphic based on my initial pencil draft, which I made after the first meeting to discuss the project. There were multiple illustrator drafts, and It is worth mentioning that the product’s name was different at the beginning. The final ones that stood out were a traditional jar and a bucket. We aimed to convey tradition through the jar’s design, which was created with a traditional pattern embedded in it. Meanwhile, I also created a simpler and more classic version of the bucket as part of the process.
Mexico Infrastructure Review is one of the publications I enjoyed designing the most during my three years working at Mexico Business Publishing. The first edition was published in 2016; as a mid-designer, I was directed by the design director. However, this publication would mark considerable growth in my career because I was able to show my skills in data visualisation by planning and creating, with the help of the design director, the first company’s infographic. By 2018 and 2019, I worked as a lead designer for this industry, directing the graphic-editorial process and managing the books’ workflow and layouts, growing as a Senior designer.
MBP’s books have a standard design; however, colours are used to create a collection of books from the same or different industries. The bright orange cover features a high-quality image of a luxury building complex. The books include a table of contents with company colors, chapters with articles, photographs, interviews, expert opinions, and more. The layout is based on five columns, but the content is usually distributed between one or two columns, except for the infographics.
The advertising was obtained by either requesting it from the clients or creating it by MBP’s design team, of which I was part. Five types of advertising are divided by size, but their cost depends on where in the book they are placed. Here are 12 advertisements I pulled together for three editions of the Mexico Infrastructure review.
This project is focused on wayfinding solutions applied to the Abbey Gardens and the Abbey Ruins. Both the garden and the ruins are parts of the Abbey Quarter which is a symbolic place of Reading. They are connected through a small tunnel and are located downtown near many relevant places such as the Reading Train Station, The Abbey quarter also includes the Reading Museum, the Town Hall, Reading Gaol, St. James’ Church and St Laurence’s Church.
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